Flying Confirmation Dream

This man (reminded me of Mr. Spencer; the Tennis coach and Psychology teacher in High School) that saw me fly up next to my mother (who was laying on a bed on top of a balcony porch) took me aside (down stairs into a private place) to talk to me about what he just witnessed. I asked him, “did you see it?” He said, “see, it? I saw blue streaks all over!” (something about blue streaks at least) I imagined they looked like after burners or sparkler streaks.

I asked him if he could see ME and then I laughed and corrected myself, “well of course you couldn't see ME but could you see my spirit?” (Not sure what word I used here for fact I think I stumbled in my speech at that point to make a comment on how I had just been reading about this idea from Jung). I was just reading about something that Jung wrote. It was about how the spirit can occupy the dream realm and it's like a different level of reality (right or wrong..that's what I was thinking in the dream).

I felt that I finally had confirmation about my flying adventures. I told him that I have been able to fly/float since I was about 13. He and I did the math to figure that it had been about 18 years of flying (what ever that means). I had a feeling that he knew that the flying was real and what was really strange is that I thought it was all happening in reality. I never know it's a dream until I awaken.

About flying in my dreams:

Flying is so liberating in my dreams. I usually get so frustrate that I am helpless against the laws of physics that hold me down in reality that I just decide to fly or float in my dream. What is hard to explain is the feeling of control. I am conscious enough of my dream that I can remember what is happening after I awake; however, I am not aware that I am in a dream so much that I don't really take full advantage of the dream world. The flying is most certainly first hand (I am me flying and not just watching it happen).

I usually start out by floating off the ground. Once I realize that I'm floating then I can do forward somersaults or actually take off and fly though the building or what ever space I'm in at the time. Sometimes I actually just float above the floor and enjoy not walking to get around. If I do lean forward then I don't move any faster than a walking pace. It feels like what you might expect a ghost to do.

To say the least, flying in my dreams is one of the most wonderful things I experience.

Another dream sequence during the same morning:

The flying part of the dream seemed like the most out of ordinary. I can explain the rest of my dreaming due to the events that are in my life such as harvesting fields (facebook), being frustrated at not feeling needed and things going wrong (problems with my last paycheck), having things that need tended to like bicycles and my car (my Car works but it is dirty and so are my bicycles).

Also, there was something about the parking of an RV in a driveway that was getting me all frustrated to where I felt like no one could hear me (I'm sure this is due to the feeling I have that my Dad doesn't really hear me). This all came out in my dream and took place on a farm. In my mind they were all events surrounding a harvesting of the Hay Bails (another facebook reference).

The situation with the combine was that it was moving so fast that it started falling apart. I began picking up the pieces and saving them for the farmer. I figured he'd like to know what pieces broke off. I was initially holding large pieces but by the time I delivered the pieces to the farmer they were so small and insignificant that I forgot why I even collected them. The farmer was joking on me for collecting them and acted as if I was a bother for even mentioning them falling off the combine.

It seems that I am focusing in details in my life that I feel others find trivial.

by Christopher McCastle a.k.a. DreamingTurtle

copyright April 30 2009 DreamingTurtle Media Productions LLC
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